The senior room had a busy May and have started preparations for Confirmation this coming June. To coincide with this, the Confirmation pupils visited Glencomeragh Retreat Centre on Wednesday 11th May. Here they had a very fun day team building, re-connecting and building resilience. They really enjoyed the quizzes, talks and time spent outside in the good weather.
In class this month 3rd to 6th class had a visit from Clonmel Fire House. They learnt about fire hazards around the home and what to do in the event of a fire. Children got to see a real-life fire experiment to demonstrate how smoke rises and also received fun safety packs to bring home.
As part of our visual arts this month the children have been learning the cup song in music and in art class have been looking at photography and installation art.
May in the Junior Room
This month, the junior room have been celebrating the beginning of summer by learning all about seasonal flowers and sewing seeds. They planted cress seeds in class which grew into silly haired monsters. They explored the theme of “The Garden Centre” in Aistear, in which they constructed different types of flowers from bun cases and straws, designed and built a garden centre using small world materials and created their own flower shop for role play.
In visual arts, children focused on natural still life this month. They drew sunflowers and parts of different types of leaves and plants from observation while developing their knowledge of line, scale, blind drawing and shading.
In SESE children learnt all about the digestive system and had great fun carrying out a gross experiment. They used cream crackers, coca cola, sandwich bags and a pair of tights to demonstrate what happens to food as it travels from one end of the body to the other.
May 9th-May 13th , we celebrated Creative Schools Week. As part of this, the whole school took part in one final podcasting workshop with Muireann our Creative School’s Associate . The senior room children put their knowledge to use and in small teams they went about creating and designing a slot for a radio station while learning about using microphones and audio technology. Meanwhile, the junior room pupils names and created their own Q and A podcasts around the theme of biodiversity and gardening. They had great fun listening back on themselves, editing their pieces and inserting sound effects.
On 10th May, we resumed swimming lessons in Clonmel pool for a block of six weeks. The children were thrilled to be back in the water, having been unable do go as part of a school group for the past few years. All pupils are also continuing to enjoy Zumba lessons with Kool School each Friday afternoon. They are learning new moves and routines each week.