The senior room have started their Friends for Life training and have been enjoying learning about being resilient and recognising emotions.
During this term we will be completing a project to celebrate the Monster Meeting of 1848 on Sliabh na mBan. We have been preparing to complete a multi-media art project with local artist Mia Kearney and this month we have been compiling local knowledge.
During April as part of our classroom incentives the senior room have been enjoying doing cooking lessons in small groups on a Friday. So far they have cooked pizza and chips and learned about kitchen safety and kitchen hygiene. We have really enjoyed what we have cooked so far.
Meanwhile, the junior room have been busy learning all about the weather in SESE and Aistear. We read the story “The Perfect Rain” by Tatyana Feeney and learned all about the different weather symbols used by Met Éireann and what they mean. We also watched some examples of weather reports and the children then designed their own weather maps in groups and delivered some rather extreme weather reports to the rest of the class. They also learned about waterproof materials in science and participated in a STEM challenge, to design and build a tent for Teddy on his Irish camping holiday.