On 7th November the senior room hosted a friendly match against Newtown school which unfortunately we lost but in the end it was only a friendly game. After we had finished, the teachers kindly prepared treats for everyone who had participated. We also got a new football coach this month. We welcomed Gary, to do football lessons with both classes and to help us to play matches against other schools. Both classrooms also started gymnastics lessons in the hall with Niall and Karen from “Kool Skool”.
The junior room had a busy month learning all about space travel and designed and launched their own rockets on the yard. They also started drama workshops with Tara Power as part of the TAP programme.
The senior room also had a few things on. First, they began ukulele lessons with Gillian. Then Mr Looram taught us how to play chess and we learned about each of the pieces on the chess board. We also learnt about the Arctic and read a novel called “The Last Bear”.
By Ella Rose Morrissey.